Occupational Therapy

Chris Heyde, was a prestigious member of the Industrial Engineers Australia (IEA). IEA bestows “The Chris Heyde Award” on its eminent members.
In the 70s Chris developed MODular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards (MODAPTS), a work measurement technique, used during the 80s and 90s throughout Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the United States of America. Later Chris invented WORKplace capABILITY with MODAPTS (WORKABILITY with MODAPTS) the potential of which was seen by Occupational Therapists (OTs) who later developed it, in conjunction with Chris, as Workability II and III.


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Management Engineering in Australia 18/07/2003
Australian Manufacturing a way Forward? 18/07/2003
Organizational Processes and Personal Productivity 22/07/2003
IT Projects in the 21st Century 13/07/2004
QFD – for Today’s Customer-Focused Society 13/07/2004
Issues of Change 26/07/2004
Leadership in Professional Services 27/08/2004
Integrated Product Acquisition Strategies 8/09/2005
Associations Compliance and Incorporation 8/09/2005