Much has occurred since the last newsletter.
– The IIEA has a full program ahead.
– New members are joining
– And the agreement with Engineers Australia is almost finalised…….
The IIEA program for the upcoming year is exciting and varied, with activities in all the Divisions. (Refer ) These events will include webinars, face to face(F2F), hybrid webinars with F2F
as well as on site visits.
The idea is to expose IIEA members to various industries from an Industrial Engineering(IE) perspective,
as well as exposing speakers and industries to IE.
Our program of encouraging IEs to join the IIEA is moving forward. Over the past year 24 new members
have been accepted ranging from students to very experienced IEs. Recently 2 new members who
qualified in Columbia were inducted.

I would like to welcome the new members including Maria Acevedo. Harshil Galaiya. Andres Osma,
Yesid Ramirez Pena, Luke Scott, Graham Eagles, Zaid Al-saegh.
I hope these new members will be active within the IIEA and their local divisions.
The final draft has been agreed to. Hopefully signoff will occur shortly.
The MoU allows the IIEA to be fully recognised as an independent society of EA as well to allow
members of both organisations to collaborate in joint activities.
The IIEA was NOT able to negotiate FREE or same benefit access to all EA events. There are however
some EA events that are available free for all IIEA members.
It should be not that the IIEA in the spirit of co-operation has agree to allow ALL EA members and
society members access to ALL IIEA events at the same benefit level as IIEA members.
IIEA will also be working closely with EA College of Leader Management(CLM)
Hopefully IE will be promoted more within EA.
The IIEA Education Subcommittee has been setup and held its 1st meeting on 17th December.
Congratulations to Assoc Prof Jo Staines of University of Melbourne(AAEE, MIIEA) elected as chair of
the Edu Subcom.
Over the next year, the challenges of 2020 hopefully will recede. The opportunities post covid19 are
there for the taking.
At this time I wish all members and their families a cheerful and safe festive season.
David Karr(FIIE, CP Eng), President IIEA